Nachhaltigkeit  Sustainability  Développement durable 


Sustainability is a fundamental pillar of our business model. As early as 1989, Seidel received the Environmental Award of the State of Hesse for the application of innovative and environmentally friendly technology in the anodizing process. At Seidel, we do our best, starting with the selection of materials, avoiding waste, and consistently reusing and recycling.


Our efforts on CSR are outstanding and have received several awards. The conscious implementation of our responsibility towards all future generations and planet earth is confirmed by the award in platinum by the industry-independent portal EcoVadis. With currently 80/100 points of the reating 2023 we are at the top group of suppliers all over the world and leading in our industry. This is also underlined by the EcoVadis "Sustainability Leadership Award 2021", which we received for the best result in the category "Manufacturing Advanced".


Our Communication of Progress is available in German only, but gives an impression how we live our resposibility.