To always stay one step ahead, Seidel created a state-of-the-art R&D center which is focused on developing new surface treatment technologies. Seidel´s R&D crew has been working with scientists from nearby universities for several years. Our R&D center includes a sophisticated and highly automated anodisation line which allows us to effect various experiments while maintaining full production-like conditions. This line is able to control the process of electro-chemical oxidation of aluminum with a precision of a nanometer scale.
Our scientists work on the aesthetics of the products, their haptic or sense of touch appeal, and the functionality of the aluminum surface. There is only one golden rule for our R&D: we are only effecting the aluminum parts in the oxide layer by modifying the anodisation process. We are not adding any other substance to create new effects.
As of today, we have been able to manipulate the aspect of aluminium to the regular shiny and matte, to high gloss, to extremely matte, to a pearl effect, and to an antique effect which is really spectacular to see.
New aesthetics sometimes go together with a new haptical experience of the product. For example, we have created a "soft-touch" surface via anodisation (which usually is achieved via the secondary process of spraying). With this "soft-touch" we have discovered a surface effect that does not have the typical luxurious "cold touch" of metal but rather a warm and velvet-like touch.
Another important goal of our R&D is the function of the aluminum itself. One of our goals is to create surfaces that are extremely resistant to external forces. We found spectacular results concerning the aluminum's relationship to liquids. We can manipulate the aluminum to be hydrophobic or hydrophilic. This gives the aluminum a key role in an intelligent primary packaging for cosmetic, pharma or household products.